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What is IQ scores?

IQ (intelligence quotient) scores are used to measure cognitive abilities and are often used in educational and psychological settings. IQ tests typically have a mean score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Here's how to interpret IQ scores:

IQ Scores Interpretion
130 or above Very High Intelligence, the individual is likely to excel in intellectual tasks that require high levels of problem-solving, abstract reasoning, and critical thinking skills. Individuals with this level of intelligence may find it easier to learn new skills and concepts, and may be more successful in academic and professional pursuits that require high levels of intellectual ability.
120 - 129 High Intelligence, the individual is likely to have above-average intellectual abilities and can perform well in tasks that require abstract reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
110 - 119 Above Average Intelligence, the individual has good intellectual abilities and can perform well in tasks that require some degree of abstract reasoning and problem-solving skills.
90 -109 Average Intelligence, the individual has average intellectual abilities and can perform well in tasks that require basic reasoning and problem-solving skills.
80 - 89 Below Average Intelligence, the individual may struggle in tasks that require more advanced reasoning and problem-solving skills.
70 - 79 Borderline Intelligence, the individual may have difficulty in tasks that require even basic reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Below 70 Extremely Low Intelligence, the individual is likely to have significant difficulties in cognitive tasks and may require additional support and assistance in their daily life.

It is important to note that IQ scores should not be the sole determinant of someone's intelligence or potential. Intelligence is a complex trait that encompasses many different abilities, and IQ tests only measure certain aspects of cognitive function. Furthermore, environmental factors such as access to education and opportunities can also play a significant role in someone's success and potential.


Ultimate Guide to Understanding IQ Scores: A comprehensive guide that covers the basics of IQ tests, different types of tests, interpreting IQ scores, and the limitations of IQ tests